Forth Blog-Answer me this???

When in relation to other events of the end times is the rapture?
Theologians tell us that rapture is the next event on God’s calendar. Preachers like using the eminence of rapture to try to get people to decide on their salvation today. Some even go so far as to preach that after the rapture, then they have no chance to be raptured and some may go so far as to preach that after the rapture one has no chance at even salvation.
Problem is they have no answer for the so-called tribulation saints, those who come to believe during the seven year end times. How will these people be saved from wrath? Rev. 3:10; 1Thes. 5:9; Romans 5:8-9; Ps 29:25; Hebrews 10:39. Will new Christians excluded from this protection? Todays Bible scholars don’t seem to have an answer.
Why God will send His two witnesses to prophesy (preach) for 1260days.
Why God will send His angel, seen flying in mid-air to carry the Good News to every Tribe, people, nation and language. Rev. 14:6.
WHY God will seal one hundred and forty four thousand Jews.
Why would God cut off chances for repentance after only one rapture. 1Tim 2:4.
Where is the back-up for 1Cor. 15:51,52 meaning only one rapture, all at once. all done.
What happens to those passing the test of Rev. 3:10, or even why the test.
The statement made in Rev. 7:14, “These are those who have come out of the great tribulation.” Not before or not after just ‘out of’.
The Seal judgements must have a very qualified person, Jesus, to open them.
Why would not the Trumpet and Bowl judgements need the same? Could it be they are all part of the same Seal judgements.
There are many other logical questions concerning the end time raptures.
When each view of the timing of rapture; pre, mid, and post tribulation can seemingly be proven by selected scripture verses; Just how can this be reconciled?
COULD THEY ALL BE CORRECT? Could there be more than one rapture? It looks like this may be the only answer given from scripture.
Well this is totally against main stream theology, never mind the many Christian denominations who do not even accept rapture as a sound Biblical teaching.
However, Multiple Raptures in the end times answers all these above questions and more. The theory of multiple raptures in the wrap-up of the age, if true, will give HOPE to a ‘multitude that no one could count’. Rev. 7:9
To see more in depth answers, you may want the free down-load the book EXIT ABOVE GROUND by going to the website and go to the chapter Circumstantial evidence. Perplexing, isn’t it?


The first two blog installments have shown that people living during the wrap-up of the age will have HOPE. Possibly through the miracle of rapture. That rapture is Biblical, recording five instances of God miraculously taking people to heaven in the past. That God never changes, indicating the probability of raptures in the future and that God gives many chances for people to repent and be saved. Also, that the whole world will be affected by God’s wrath in the Biblical end times. Setting up perhaps the only scenario presented in the Bible for being rescued from wrath, and that is rapture.

Now more indications from the Bible to show there will be many raptures during the end times. 1Corintians 15:51,2 “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep ( die ), but we will all be changed, 52. in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

Theologians, Biblical scholars, etc., tell us the Bible is sufficient to prove itself. That there must be other verses to back up a verse or an idea. So, where is the back-up for 1Cor. 15:51,2; to prove the meaning of a ‘one and only rapture’ of all Christians, all at once, all done.

Maybe this moment of time is all it will take for an individual to be changed and perhaps raptured, but could it mean, just maybe, all Christians at that time, each time, would be changed and raptured. Will there not be newly repentant, Christians, during the end times?

Theology indicates this could take three and a half years, the first half of the tribulation period, the Seal and Trumpet judgements. Perhaps those choosing to believe in Jesus since the last devastating judgement will be raptured before the next. Christians, even new Christians, are not to suffer wrath. Rev 3:10; 1Tessalonians 1:10, 5:9; Romans 5:8,9; Luke 21:36. After all, the purpose of the judgements is to get peoples attention and save as many as will come to knowledge of truth.

Multiple raptures will give HOPE to a multitude that no one could count. Revelation 7:9. They come out of the great tribulation. 7:14

While there is back-up for rapture 1Thess. 4:17, says “we who are still alive and are left”. Other verses also refer to the last rapture like this. But this does NOT preclude others or restrict this rapture as being the only rapture. This and other verses( read the chapter in the book, “Exit Above Ground” which can be downloaded for free). This is simply the rapture happening as Jesus actually returns to earth. Not the general time as indicated by some earlier Biblical verses.

The idea of multiple raptures seems to be completely foreign to most everyone teaching the Biblical end times. Instead, each seems to try and prove their interpretation of the timing of their one and only rapture. Each will try to prove either a pre-, mid-, or post- tribulation rapture with selected verses. Each view must ignore verses that may indicate the other views. This has caused much division in the Christian community over many years. The idea of multiple raptures makes them all correct and most importantly gives HOPE to a multitude that no one could count.

Please feel free to take this blog to your preacher, pastor, or anyone else who may have some knowledge of the end time events. But when you do, do not let them bush it away, telling you its a bunch of hooey. At least have them read the chapter on circumstantial evidence in Exit Above Ground . The chapter has over twenty points to indicate there will be many times Christians will be raptured in the wrap-up of the age.


What is meant by ‘exitaboveground’

Meant to be curious the title, ‘exitaboveground’ refers to the miracle of rapture, the taking of souls into heaven in the end times. Spelled out in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, and stated in several other books in the old and new testament of the Bible. Christians, will be saved from the disastorous judgements of the end times, perhaps by the miracle of rapture. You may want to read these references of Biblical accounts for yourself. The Bible is Gods word and holds the truth.

You may have thought miracles only happened in Biblical times. Well, it seems Biblical times are here again. Observing the world today, (spring and summer of 2020) a pandemic, Coronavirus, is sweeping through 180 countries, killing over 350,000 people, over one hundred thousand in the US alone so far and devastating the world economy. Now, they are saying there will be other such viruses unleashed on the world in future. Every one should get right with God, NOW. We may already be in the infamous Biblical end times.

Many people have never heard of rapture. Many Christian denominations do not believe nor teach this Biblical truth. However, take a look at some of the verse that could not be taken any other way. Rev. 3:8; John 6:39-40; John 14:1-3. Then, 1Thes. 4:17; Romans 5:9; 2Cor. 12:2-4; Luke 17:34-35; 1Tim. 3:16 and others. Each of these verses and others speak of the concept of people being ‘taken-up’ ‘caught-up’, and ‘snatched-up’ into heaven in the end times. The concept of rapture simply can not be ignored.

People who say that rapture, the concept of people being miraculously taken-up into heaven, is not in the Bible, should look at the history of God’s taking people to heaven in the past. Enoch, the first to be taken-up, was recorded in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. “Enoch walked with God, then he was no more, because God took him.” 2Kings 2:11, “Elijah went up to heaven in a whirl wind.” For some reason, known only to God, people knew he was about to be taken. Enoch, himself knew and people watched as it happened. Jesus, Himself was taken-up as people watched, forty days after He arose from the dead. Revelation chapter eleven describes the two witnesses that God will send to earth to preach for three and a half years, (to save as many as possible), describes them being taken-up into heaven while people watched. Assuredly, the concept of rapture is Biblical . The next question is when, in relation to other happening of the end times will rapture take place?

Theologians, preachers and Biblical scholars as well as others studying the Biblical end times, seem always to form an opinion that their ‘one and only’ rapture will happen before, at the mid point or at the end of the seven year tribulation period described in Daniel 12. Each proving their view by pointing out select scriptures. This makes one suspicious since they seem to be contrasting views. Satan loves division, practically among Christians. Maybe there is no need for this division. What if they are all correct?

For each of these differing views, Pre-trib, Mid-trib or a Post-tribulation rapture, to be correct it would require several raptures in the end times. These blogs and the accompanying book ‘Exit Above Ground’ put forth at least twenty points from the Bible to indicate there will be multiple times that Christians will be taken-up, raptured in the wrap-up of the age.

Just one to start. Rev. 7:9 John sees “a multitude that no one could count, standing in front of the throne in heaven.” They are Christians since they are wearing white robes. Rev. 7:14, “These are they who came out of the great tribulation.” Now how did these people get to heaven? Explained in the book ‘Exit Above Ground’, Christians will be ‘saved from wrath’ and one way the Bible indicates is by rapture. References given. Next question, will there be converts during the Tribulation period, and will they be saved and even raptured.

HOPE for a multitude that no one could count !

Thank you for checking out this website. Weather you are looking for information about the Biblical end times, or simply curious about the title, exitaboveground, you are bound to find more than you might have expected. The site is all about hope. This website is dedicated to those who find themselves in the wrap-up of the age. The Biblical end times. The last seven years before Jesus, our Lord, returns.

Taken as God’s word, the Bible gives several verses to indicate that Christians In the end times will be taken-up, caught-up or even snatched-up into heaven. Today we use the term rapture for these miracles. Everyone has heard of miracles, few have ever experienced one. During the end times many Christians will experience the miracle of rapture. Revelation 7:9 “…a great multitude that no one could count from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing in front of the Lamb.” This blog is to show how this great crowd got into heaven and when, in relation to other events in the wrap-up of the age. And how you and your loved ones can have hope perhaps of becoming a part of that great multitude if you are around during the end times. Jesus saves, now through resurrections, then during the end times Christians will be rescued from God’s wrath perhaps through the miracle of raptures.

Even though this blog is all about holding out the hope of rapture for those in the end times, it is compelling now to talk about a sign we may be experiencing that could show we are in the end times right now. This pandemic that we are in the midst of, Coronavirus, could be the crown given to the rider of the white horse in Rev. 6:3, the first of the four horsemen of the apocalypses. Corona means crown. “Its rider held a bow ” . Didn’t need arrows, the virus has devastated one hundred and eighty countries. “He rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.” Sounds like the rider of the white horse would like to use this pandemic to take over the world.

No one knows when the tribulation period will start or when Christians may be taken-up, however most every Biblical scholar agrees that the start of the tribulation period is imminent. The last seven years before Jesus return may have already started. One sign that will be recognizable by everyone is the world wide earthquake spelled out in Revelation 6″12.

Please read the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. Yes, there is a book named ‘exitaboveground’. Its not yet published, but you can download the continence of the book with the link. Future blogs will give excerpts from the book and spell out Biblical indications of the many raptures to take place in the end times. Thanks for listening. By Dennis Leach